The Mizzou LGBTQ Resource Center works to educate about, support and advocate for trans and non-binary individuals at Mizzou. We offer support, events, education, training, involvement, leadership, community and more.
All-Gender Restrooms
A list of the all-gender restrooms on campus can be found on the Mizzou Student Association’s (MSA) website. For an interactive map, visit https://accessibilitymap.missouri.edu/.
Using your Preferred Name at Mizzou
It is the policy of the University of Missouri that any student may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name.
Instances where the preferred name will be used include, but are not limited to:
- Class rosters
- Residence hall rosters
- University identification cards
- Transcripts (if requested in myZou)
- Diplomas (if requested in myZou)
- Wherever it is not necessary for the legal name to be used
The path to update a preferred name in myZou is: Student Center>Personal Information>Names>Add a New Name.
Read the full preferred name policy here.
Changing your Pronouns in Canvas

Canvas users now have the option to include pronouns with their name! Once enabled, personal pronouns will appear after your name in Discussions, People, Comments and other places.
Instructions on how to change your pronoun in Canvas can be found here: bit.ly/canvaspronouns
Gender-Inclusive Housing
Gender-neutral housing options give you the opportunity to live with Housing in a space where you feel comfortable — regardless of gender identity or sex.
You may request gender-neutral housing on your Housing Preference form. The Housing office will follow up with you to gather more information about your request. To review the Gender-Neutral Housing Agreement, please log in to the MU Housing Portal.
Mizzou’s Non-Discrimination Policy
The University of Missouri does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or status as a protected veteran. The University’s nondiscrimination policy applies to all phases of its employment process, its admission and financial aid programs, and to all other aspects of its educational programs and activities. Further, this policy applies to sexual violence and sexual harassment (forms of sex discrimination) occurring both within and outside of the University context if the conduct negatively affects the individual’s educational or work experience or the overall campus environment. Retaliation directed to any person who pursues a discrimination complaint or grievance, participates in a discrimination investigation, or otherwise opposes unlawful discrimination is prohibited.
To file a report of discrimination, visit: Reporting & Policies // Office of Institutional Equity (missouri.edu)